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String arrangements (2017) for St. Bernard Syndicate

String arrangements (2017) for St. Bernard Syndicate

In January 2017, I was asked by Frederik Cilius to do two very last minute string arrangements for a scene in Mads Brügger’s film, The Saint Bernard Syndicate (2018).

Mads Brügger is renowned for mixing journalism, satire and staging in his film work and The Saint Bernard Syndicate is a mix of staged scenes and improvised real-life situations filmed undercover on location in China.

My two arrangements were performed as background reception music on location by a local Chinese string quartet during a very short scene with the two main characters, performed by actors Frederik Cilius and Rasmus Bruun, and local Chinese business men.

Still from the film, 'The Saint Bernard Syndicate'. | photo: Meta Film


At the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival, The Saint Bernard Syndicate received two awards:

  • Best Actor, International Narrative Competition (Rasmus Bruun)
  • Best Screenplay, International Narrative Competition (Lærke Sanderhoff)
Still from the film, 'The Saint Bernard Syndicate'. | photo: Meta Film